Ham Omelet's Soliloquy: Act III, Scene i.
Hamlet, secretly being watched by Claudius and Polonius, entertains
thoughts of suicide until Ophelia, sent by Claudius and Polonius,
comes near.

I am
Am I, why?
Why am I?
To be or not to be
That's the question asked of me
Is it nobler to suffer
Without a shield as a buffer
Or use a foil to end my pain
And lie there with my troubles slain
To end the nightmare, the silent scream
In endless sleep, yet if I dream
Ah there's the rub, what dreams for me
Once enter I eternity
I pause, not knowing which is worse
True hell, or else this hell on earth
And so fear tempers my life's desire
To exchange pain for hell's dark fire
But yet, is this what waits for those
Who chose to end their own sorrows
That land unknown, we cannot see
and trust not what the monks tell thee
For none return from where souls go
Without their words how can we know
But pause, for Ophelia now comes near
And I must hide from one so dear
The madness threatening my breath
To keep her sane and far from death
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