Ham Omelet's Soliloquy: Act II, Scene ii.
Hamlet has just had the leader of the players recite a passage
Hamlet heard him speak once before concerning the death of Priam,
during the Trojan war. He has convinced the actors to make a small
change to the play that will be performed for the King & Queen
tomorrow. The players, followed by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
have just left and Hamlet is alone with his thoughts...

I am alone
I am alone
And on my own
That rogue I am
That rogue I am
I do not like
The rogue I am
I do not like the actor's skill
In showing what I feel still
I would display for my father
What he displays without bother
For Hecuba he shows the tears
And cries aloud his hopes and fears
Yet it's an act he does with ease
While I cannot utter my pleas
What's her to him or him to her
Naught, but I the mortal curr
Cannot display the things I feel
And dreams he weaves are thus more real
And so the throngs he will amaze
While I, throughout these mournful days
Show not what I know to be true
And so I need these actors to
Display the cruel unthinking truth
And thereby provide me with proof
That the king, the father, I held dear
Was killed by poison dripped in ear
Not serpents bite as brother's claim
A lie to control his domain
To take the seat that he held dear
With but a crocodile's tear
For I'm a coward, tis proven true
A fearful man with no skill to
Strike back to take the vile breath
From he who caused his brother's death
And so I shall, within the play
Attempt to recreate the day
And watch my uncle's face to see
To know he did such villainy
For through the actor skills I'll do
the actions to tell me what's true
And so this revised play's the thing
To catch the conscience of the king
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